Robert (Bob) Browning has led a thirty-plus year career as a trumpeter, conductor and music educator in the Greater Cincinnati area and beyond. He is a graduate of the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music with a B.M. in Music Education and Trumpet, and earned the Master’s Degree in Conducting from James Madison University. Bob studied trumpet with members of the Cincinnati Symphony and Chicago Symphony Orchestras, and has been a successful free-lance trumpeter and private lesson teacher. His trumpet students consistently score superior ratings at contests, win auditions for honor bands, CYWE, Jr. CYWE and Youth Orchestra, and earn scholarships to music schools across the country. As a conductor, Bob held the Orchestral Conducting Assistantship at JMU, and has conducted major symphonic and wind band works at the college and high school level; his bands have earned numerous Superior ratings over the past thirty years.
Bob is available for:
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Browning Brass Studio