Robert (Bob) Browning is a graduate of the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music with a B.M. in Music Education and Trumpet, and holds a Master’s Degree in Conducting from James Madison University.
Bob studied trumpet with members of the Cincinnati Symphony and Chicago Symphony Orchestras, and has led a thriving free-lance career for over thirty years. In addition to adding his trumpet stylings to many weddings, church services and other occasions, Bob has played with numerous regional symphony orchestras, brass quintets, and jazz bands in several states. While in Virginia, he was a member of the James Madison Faculty Brass Quintet and Principal Trumpet in the Rockbridge Symphony. His trumpet students consistently score superior ratings at contests, win auditions for honor bands, CYWE, Jr. CYWE and Youth Orchestra, and earn scholarships to music schools across the country. As a conductor, Bob was the Conducting Assistant at JMU, conducting the Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, as well as the Symphonic and Concert bands, in major symphonic and wind literature. He also taught the undergraduate Intro to Conducting course. As director of the Moeller Symphonic Winds for twenty-two years, Bob conducted the band in successful performances of great wind literature, earning numerous “Superior” ratings at OMEA events. He also conducted over a dozen Broadway-style musicals and coached chamber ensembles to “Superior” ratings. Bob is currently Director of Instrumental Music at the Summit Country Day School, where he teaches all band instruments from fifth grade through high school, and is now Music Director of the Sycamore Community Band. With this all-adult ensemble Bob regularly conducts great works from the wind band repertoire, and recently conducted the world premiere of Music Fest by James Curnow, commissioned by the Sycamore Community Band. |
Guest Clinician
As a conductor-clinician, Bob has worked with various high school and middle school bands in the Greater Cincinnati area to help improve their performance level for competition or concert, as well as provide insights and expertise for musical improvement. Recent sessions include Madeira HS, Reading HS, and St. Ignatius Loyola School. Director references upon request. As a Brass Clinician, Bob is in demand with local schools and Honor Bands, running brass or trumpet sectional rehearsals to polish the section for performance. Recent sessions include Mariemont HS, Mason HS, Reading HS, and the OMEA Honor Bands. Bob has worked for years as an OMEA Adjudicator and as a judge for the Overture Awards Semi-Finalist round. His preferred situation, however, is to work with students and give live feedback for improvement and encouragement, helping students with preparation for Solo and Ensemble performances and auditions. |
As a jazz musician and educator, Bob has performed as a soloist and section member in various combos and big bands in the Greater Cincinnati area. He led the Moeller Big Band and Combos in successful performances at Jazz Festivals throughout the Midwest, at which his students won numerous awards.
No matter the situation, his over-arching goal is to help each person discover the joy of music through performance on their instruments. When not busy as a musician, Bob stays active biking, hiking and running, reading history, and studying world languages (currently working on Italian). He enjoys spending time with his wife, Deborah, and is most proud of his grown daughters, Ashley and Elizabeth. |